Publicerad av General Magic GmbH
den 2024-10-29Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
Ladda ner Apk | Utvecklare | Rating | Score | Aktuell version | Vuxen rankning |
↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | General Magic GmbH | 23 | 4.6087 | 8.2.2 | 4+ |
1. • Avoid collisions and accidents with Driver Assistance warnings: Headway Warning, Forward Collision Warning, Pedestrian Collision Warning, Lane Departure Warning, Leaving Lane Warning, Stop & Go Assist.
2. • Driver Assistance warnings and Recordings are available when the device is on a car mount in landscape mode, with a clear view of the road ahead.
3. Magic Earth uses OpenStreetMap data and a powerful search engine to offer you the optimal routes for driving, biking, hiking, and public transportation.
4. • Stay safe with the free Head-up Display (HUD) feature which projects the most important navigation info onto the windshield of your car.
5. • Find the fastest or the shortest route to your destination when you travel by car, bike, on foot or with public transport.
6. • Record the road ahead during navigation to have an aid in the event of a collision or incident.
7. • Discover alternative routes that avoid traffic jams and save you time on the road.
8. • Know in advance which lane to take with precise turn-by-turn navigation and lane assistance.
9. • AI DashCam features Driver Assistance warnings and Dash Cam functionality.
10. • Get ready for travel and know every detail of your route like surface, difficulty, distance and elevation profile.
11. • View current temperature and local weather forecasts for your favorite locations.
Alternativt, Sök efter direkta PC-appar eller alternativ (direktnedladdning)
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Get App or Alternatives ↓ | 23 Reviews 4.6087 |
General Magic GmbH |
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För närvarande är Magic Earth Navigation & Maps inte tillgängligt för direkt nedladdning på en dator. Du kan dock använda emulatorer för att köra Android-appar som denna på en dator.Lär dig hur du använder Magic Earth Navigation & Maps på din dator i dessa 5 enkla steg:
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Jag rekommenderar Bluestacks.
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Öppna programmet Emulator och skriv Magic Earth Navigation & Maps i sökfältet. Klicka nu på Sök. Du kommer enkelt att se din önskade app. Klicka på det. Klicka på Install-knappen och din applikation börjar Installera. Gör så här om du vill använda appen: