Publicerad av AirCare Data, Inc.
den 2025-01-11Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
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AirCare - the award winning app to track air quality & pollen! Featured in Forbes, BBC, NASA, Google, and awarded by the United Nations!What's included:- AQI - Air Quality Index: Stay safe from air pollution in any country around the world- Pollen Tracking and Forecasts: Avoid allergies by following 5 types of pollen in the US and Europe (Tree - Birch, Grass, Ragweed, Olive, Alder)- UV Index Tracking and Forecasts: Don't get sunburn on the beach, know when to seek shade- Fire Hotspots - Know where NASA satellites picked up wildfires on the ground- Breezy AI Chat - Talk with out chatbot and ask it questions using our live data- Breakdown of Air Pollutants: See details about PM10, PM2.5, NO2, CO, SO2, O3 in the airPRO users also get access to:- Home Screen Widgets- Push Notifications on Level Changes- Apple Watch Support- No Ads- Extended History & Forecasts- Extended Access to Breezy AI ChatWhere do we get out data from:AirCare uses a multitude of satellite, ground and weather stations to calculate the most accurate AQI for a location. Our sources include:- Purple Air- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)- Sensor Community (Luftdaten)- 40+ other government, university and volunteer networks of sensorsDownload AirCare now and find out why millions of people have already used the app to know what they breathe!By using our app, you agree to the Terms of Use stated here:
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AirCare Data, Inc. |
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