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1. Abu Bakr al-Ahbari said, "The total number of narrations in Al-Muwatta from the Prophet, peace be upon him, the companions, and the followers is 1270 hadiths.
2. The book of Al-Muwatta includes the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the sayings of the companions, and the fatwas of the followers.
3. The application of Al-Muwatta by Imam Malik is an Islamic application that contains all the hadiths of the book: Al-Muwatta by Imam Malik.
4. The number may vary due to the different narrations of Al-Muwatta by Imam Malik, as he constantly refined and revised it over a period of forty years.
5. The number of hadiths in Al-Muwatta, according to the narration of Yahya ibn Yahya al-Andalusi, is 853 hadiths.
6. It was selected from a hundred thousand hadiths that he used to narrate.
7. The arrangement of Al-Muwatta comes after the two Sahihs.
8. The application will be improved in future versions, God willing.
9. Among them, 600 are musnad (supported), 222 are mursal (interrupted), and 613 are mawquf (stopped).
10. If you encounter any problems or errors in the program, please do not hesitate to contact me.
11. 2- Because the scholars of Madinah agreed on it and approved it.
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