Miracle Sudoku

Ladda ner Miracle Sudoku

Publicerad av Nick Carney

  • ⓘ Kompatibilitet: Kräver Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7
  • Kategori: Games
  • Formellt Tillstånd: 69,00 kr
  • Språk: Svenska
  • Aktuell version: 1.5
  • Filstorlek: 48.46 MB

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↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC Nick Carney 11 4.63636 1.5 4+

11 detaljer om Miracle Sudoku

1. Miracle Sudoku features beautiful puzzles that at first glance look impossible to solve!! Indeed, some of our Miracle puzzles have as few as two givens digits (!) but you will find them all to be solvable with a bit of clever logic! At launch you will be able to play through 4 variants all of which make use of a non-consecutive restraint (ie neighboring cells cannot have two consecutive numbers in them).

2. As with our other games (‘Classic Sudoku’, ‘Sandwich Sudoku’, ‘Chess Sudoku’ and 'Thermo Sudoku'), Simon Anthony and Mark Goodliffe (the hosts of Cracking The Cryptic) have written all the hints for the puzzles.

3. Mark and Simon have both represented the UK many times at the World Sudoku Championship and you can find more of their puzzles (and lots of others) on the internet’s biggest sudoku channel Cracking The Cryptic.

4. Anyone familiar with their YouTube channel will know that Simon and Mark take pride in teaching viewers to be better solvers and, in these games, they always craft the puzzles with the mindset of trying to help solvers improve their skills.

5. Presented by Cracking The Cryptic, YouTube’s most popular Sudoku channel, comes a new game based on one of their most popular videos: Miracle Sudoku.

6. Only the most dedicated (and cleverest) sudoku players will finish all the puzzles.

7. They are Non-Consecutive Sudoku, classic Miracle Sudoku (non-consecutive + knight + king restrictions), Non-Consecutive Thermo Sudoku and Non-Consecutive Sandwich Sudoku.

8. In Cracking The Cryptic’s games, players start with zero stars and earn stars by solving puzzles.

9. So you know that every puzzle has been play-tested by a human being to ensure that each sudoku is interesting and fun to solve.

10. The more puzzles you solve, the more stars you earn and the more puzzles you get to play.

11. Of course the difficulty is carefully calibrated to ensure lots of puzzles at every level (from easy through to extreme).

Hur man Hämta och installera Miracle Sudoku på din Windows-dator

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Nick Carney

Alternativt, följ instruktionerna nedan för att använda Miracle Sudoku på din PC:

För närvarande är Miracle Sudoku inte tillgängligt för direkt nedladdning på en dator. Du kan dock använda emulatorer för att köra Android-appar som denna på en dator.Lär dig hur du använder Miracle Sudoku på din dator i dessa 5 enkla steg:

Steg 1: Hämta en Android App emulator

Till att börja med kan du välja mellan någon av programmen nedan:

  1. Nox-app .
  2. Bluestacks .

Jag rekommenderar Bluestacks.

Steg 2: Installera nu Software Emulator på din Windows-dator

Gå till mappen Downloads på din dator eller var som helst du lagrar nedladdade filer.

  1. klicka på Miracle Sudoku. Installationsprocessen börjar.
  2. Acceptera licensavtalet för EULA och följ instruktionerna på skärmen.
  3. Om du gör det ovanstående korrekt installeras programvaran.

Steg 3: Hur man använder Miracle Sudoku på pc

Öppna programmet Emulator och skriv Miracle Sudoku i sökfältet. Klicka nu på Sök. Du kommer enkelt att se din önskade app. Klicka på det. Klicka på Install-knappen och din applikation börjar Installera. Gör så här om du vill använda appen:

  1. Du kommer att se ikonen "Alla Apps".
  2. Klicka för att gå till en sida som innehåller alla dina installerade applikationer.
  3. Du kommer att se app ikon. Klicka för att börja använda dina appar. Du kan börja använda Miracle Sudoku För PC nu!

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69,00 kr På iTunes ↲


  • Av t-w-89

    Great puzzles but better app functionality would be better

    It would be awesome if one could filter/sort the list of puzzles so that it’s easier to find puzzles that one haven’t completed yet, or puzzles of a specific type (eg sandwich knight sudoku) and/or sort by longest time since played (for someone like me who goes back and retries puzzles every now and then to see if I can beat myself..)

  • Av Marc_Zo

    Great game

    A quite enjoyable game but must say title is a bit missleading, most sudokus is not miracle but still enjoyable.

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