Publicerad av Neurotechnology UAB
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1. You can use face age prediction from Check My Age to find how old you look and take suitable steps to improve your face beauty and appearance.
2. Check My Age helps you to find how old you look like from your face appearance.
3. Check My Age can post the face picture with detected age labeled in the picture to Facebook and other social networks.
4. It is easy to evaluate face photo and estimate age using Check My Age.
5. You can use Check My Age result as a modern advice and take necessary actions to restore your face appearance.
6. Check my age is a biometric face detection and age estimation application.
7. You can quickly take selfie of your face or with your loved one faces and send to estimate age.
8. It should be interested for you to compare how old you look like with your spouse face, girl or boy friend face, your school mate faces or your office friends.
9. Estimated age provide you a hint to manage your mood face important occasions in more pleasant look.
10. You always compare how your face looks like with your friends faces.
11. Take a face picture and send it to the face age estimation cloud service.
SN | App | Ladda ner | Rating | Utvecklare |
1. | |
Ladda ner | 4.1/5 312 betyg |
Pasqui industry |
2. | |
Ladda ner | 3.4/5 204 betyg |
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd |
3. | |
Ladda ner | 1.4/5 18 betyg |
People Finder |
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Neurotechnology UAB |
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