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1. Listen, and read a wide range of books designed to help you think and learn about your self-growth path and gain insight into only 15-minutes book summaries on the go.
2. You can read summaries, highlight texts, change font sizes and color themes, share quotes, bookmark titles, set yourself self-learning challenges and daily goals, and build self-improvement habits into your daily routine.
3. Read or listen to books that will motivate you in your self-growth journey.
4. • Browse books instantly – Read summaries and key insights while driving or at the gym.
5. Search books by author or title and read the summary to discover your next great read.
6. Check out Wiser’s free books for “Daily Read” to discover your new favorite book also available as an audiobook.
7. • Read online & offline - Download books directly to your device.
8. • Rate and review the books you’ve read.
9. You can gain more insight into your life and develop a strategic vision that helps you advance in your self-learning journey by reading and listening to audiobooks.
10. There’s always something new to listen to and read in Wiser’s digital library.
11. The Wiser app allows you to browse our growing collection of bestseller ebooks, and audiobooks, to enjoy instantly on your smartphone.
Alternativt, Sök efter direkta PC-appar eller alternativ (direktnedladdning)
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Get App or Alternatives ↓ | 79 Reviews 4.67089 |
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