An Elmwood Trail

Ladda ner An Elmwood Trail

Publicerad av Sparsh Tyagi den 2024-06-25

  • ⓘ Kompatibilitet: Kräver Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7
  • Kategori: Games
  • Formellt Tillstånd: Gratis
  • Språk: Svenska
  • Aktuell version: 2.0.11
  • Filstorlek: 179.46 MB

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↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC Sparsh Tyagi 1161 4.76485 2.0.11 9+

11 detaljer om An Elmwood Trail

1. Develop your own trail to unravel the secrets of the town of Riverstone! This is YOUR chance to help a detective regain his legacy, save the life of a missing girl, and uncover the orchestrator behind such a sick crime.

2. The fate of the missing girl lies in YOUR hands, it’s up to you now to find her because there is some truth to what the people around the town say about you.

3. This place is said to hold many mysteries but for the longest time, this town was silent until one day an 18-year-old girl went missing, without a trace, sending a wave of fear throughout.

4. It’s been 3 weeks since a young teen has gone missing and despite the town’s police's best efforts, they hit a dead end and declared the case of 18-year-old Zoey Leonard a runaway.

5. A case of disappearance that was marked a runaway in order to hide the agonizing truth, there is now only one person who can save this town and put it out of its misery, YOU.

6. Solve the biggest mystery in the town of Riverstone surrounded by the Elmwood Forest.

7. The town of Riverstone was built on the banks of a man-made harbor and is surrounded by the Elmwood Forest.

8. Where did Zoey go? What happened to her? Can you trust the people who claim to be the closest to her? Who can lead us to the final page of this mystery? The answer to these questions depends on your actions.

9. Now, you must embark on this journey to find out what went wrong the night she went missing.

10. Investigate the case of the missing girl.

11. Find the missing girl and prove yourself to everyone.

Hur man Hämta och installera An Elmwood Trail på din Windows-dator

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Sparsh Tyagi

Alternativt, följ instruktionerna nedan för att använda An Elmwood Trail på din PC:

För närvarande är An Elmwood Trail inte tillgängligt för direkt nedladdning på en dator. Du kan dock använda emulatorer för att köra Android-appar som denna på en dator.Lär dig hur du använder An Elmwood Trail på din dator i dessa 5 enkla steg:

Steg 1: Hämta en Android App emulator

Till att börja med kan du välja mellan någon av programmen nedan:

  1. Nox-app .
  2. Bluestacks .

Jag rekommenderar Bluestacks.

Steg 2: Installera nu Software Emulator på din Windows-dator

Gå till mappen Downloads på din dator eller var som helst du lagrar nedladdade filer.

  1. klicka på An Elmwood Trail. Installationsprocessen börjar.
  2. Acceptera licensavtalet för EULA och följ instruktionerna på skärmen.
  3. Om du gör det ovanstående korrekt installeras programvaran.

Steg 3: Hur man använder An Elmwood Trail på pc

Öppna programmet Emulator och skriv An Elmwood Trail i sökfältet. Klicka nu på Sök. Du kommer enkelt att se din önskade app. Klicka på det. Klicka på Install-knappen och din applikation börjar Installera. Gör så här om du vill använda appen:

  1. Du kommer att se ikonen "Alla Apps".
  2. Klicka för att gå till en sida som innehåller alla dina installerade applikationer.
  3. Du kommer att se app ikon. Klicka för att börja använda dina appar. Du kan börja använda An Elmwood Trail För PC nu!

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  • Av Blahobla

    Fun game

    It’s exciting so far!

  • Av sara och malou

    Love it

    It feels like a case and it is so realistic and super fun i love this game and i love that you have to think outside the box a little bit!!

  • Av Becca627

    Awsome sause

    Love this game a lot. Its a challenging game with unique quests that makes the brain need to think. I also love the plots in chapter 2 and i hope there will be more challengingly chapters in the future.

  • Av Uglis duglis


    This game really put my brain to both at work and on place whilst playing this! Cool!!!!!!


    It's really fun!

    I haven't played it that far but it's REALLY fun!

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