Publicerad av Makhsudjon Imomaliev
den 2025-03-18Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
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↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | Makhsudjon Imomaliev | 23 | 5 | 0.2.22 | 4+ |
1. Traffic Racer Russian Village is an original and dynamic racing game that will certainly interest fans of this genre.
2. In the Traffic Racer Russian Village game, initially the participant will have at his disposal only the VAZ-2107, on which he will pass the first tests.
3. In the game, races take place at locations that fully reproduce the atmosphere of provincial Russian cities and villages.
4. The participant will drive along different roads, work out control skills and enjoy realistic gameplay.
5. The developers have added more than 40 Russian and imported models with unique characteristics to the project.
6. Enjoy at realistic Russian environment with Russian and Foreign Cars.
7. The gamer can freely ride on the roads and admire the surroundings or take part in dynamic time trials.
8. There is a function to switch the time of day and change the weather, which allows you to practice driving in more difficult conditions.
9. The player will see urban five-story buildings, village houses, stops and other objects.
10. The developers have created a full-fledged virtual environment with well-detailed scenery.
11. The races have different modes with unique passing mechanics.
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För närvarande är Traffic Racer Russian Village inte tillgängligt för direkt nedladdning på en dator. Du kan dock använda emulatorer för att köra Android-appar som denna på en dator.Lär dig hur du använder Traffic Racer Russian Village på din dator i dessa 5 enkla steg:
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