
Ladda ner Xcode

Publicerad av Apple den 2024-09-16

  • ⓘ Kompatibilitet: Kräver Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7
  • Kategori: Developer Tools
  • Formellt Tillstånd: Gratis
  • Språk: Svenska
  • Aktuell version: 16.0
  • Filstorlek: 10.87 GB

Ladda ner ⇩

★ ★ ★ Xcode Översikt

Vad är Xcode? Xcode är en integrerad utvecklingsmiljö som ger utvecklare allt de behöver för att skapa appar för Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV och Apple Watch. Xcode erbjuder en enhetlig arbetsflöde för användargränssnittsdesign, kodning, testning och felsökning. Xcode IDE tillsammans med Swift-programmeringsspråket gör det enkelt och roligt att utveckla appar.


Xcode på PC   Xcode på PC   Xcode på PC   Xcode på PC  

Xcode funktioner och beskrivning

- Swift är ett intuitivt programmeringsspråk som är säkert, snabbt och modernt.

- SwiftUI är ett revolutionerande ramverk för att skapa användargränssnitt med en deklarativ Swift-syntax.

- Playgrounds är ett roligt sätt att experimentera och interagera med Swift-kod.

- View debugging visar en 3D-stack av alla dina apps UI-vy-lager vid runtime.

- Split editors i nästan obegränsade sätt, visa förhandsgranskningar eller välj en assistent för att se relaterat innehåll.

- Live issues visar felmeddelanden medan du skriver kod, och Fix-its förbättrar din kod med bara ett klick.

- Källkontrollnavigator och tjänstintegreringar hjälper dig att hantera kod över ett team.

- SwiftUI och Interface Builder gör det enkelt att designa ditt gränssnitt.

- Professionell redigerare och felsökare håller din kod i fokus.

- Instruments för prestandaanalys.

- För att testa eller köra applikationer på en iPhone, iPad, Apple TV eller Apple Watch behöver du bara en gratis Apple ID. För att skicka in dina appar till App Store måste du vara medlem i Apple Developer Program. Vissa funktioner kan kräva internetåtkomst.

Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC

Ladda ner Apk Utvecklare Rating Score Aktuell version Vuxen rankning
↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC Apple 0 0 16.0 4+

Hur man Hämta och installera Xcode på din Windows-dator

Skaffa PC-app eller de bästa alternativen (direktnedladdning)

Ladda ner en app som Xcode på Windows PC! Direktnedladdning nedan:

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pc app Xcode Skaffa app eller alternativ ↓ 0 Recensioner

Alternativt, följ instruktionerna nedan för att använda Xcode på din PC:

För närvarande är Xcode inte tillgängligt för direkt nedladdning på en dator. Du kan dock använda emulatorer för att köra Android-appar som denna på en dator.Lär dig hur du använder Xcode på din dator i dessa 5 enkla steg:

Steg 1: Ladda ner och installera en Android-emulator

Till att börja med kan du välja mellan någon av programmen nedan:

  1. Nox-app .
  2. Bluestacks .

Jag rekommenderar Bluestacks.

Steg 2: Hur man använder Xcode

Öppna emulatorn >> skriv Xcode i sökfältet >> klicka på Sök. Du kommer nu att se Xcode appen. Öppna den och klicka på knappen "Installera" för att starta installationen.

Ladda ner på MAC

Ladda ner Apk Utvecklare Rating Score Aktuell version Vuxen rankning
Gratis På iTunes ↲ Apple 0 0 16.0 4+

De viktigaste fördelarna

- Good for simple projects and small (one-man) development teams

- UI editor is pretty capable

- Code editor is pretty snappy

- Quick access to Framework documentation within the editor


  • Av fstal


    For completely unknown reasons, this takes forever to download. We're talking many hours with 100Mbits/s down, which might be the App store's fault - who knows. After 5-ish hours when its finally complete. The installation fails due to insufficient disk space. I have 60GB space left, this is supposed to take 6,1GB. And apparently, this means you have to spend another 5 hours downloading this junk all over again, likely to have the installation fail yet another time - this is beyond silly.

  • Av foureverhh

    Xcode11 is so greedy

    27.89G free space is not enough to update from Xcode 10 to 11. So confusing.....

  • Av Whydoineedtoenteranickname???

    Keeps bugging out

    Xcode frequently bugs out completely and lets SourceKitService completely hog all CPU power and makes the device completely unusable until i quit Xcode and restart it. Also Xcode frequently crashes even though this is a completely new Mac and new projects. Xcode is a pain to work with!

  • Av Professional Developer

    Lacking in features, ok for simple projects

    Pros: - Good for simple projects and small (one-man) development teams - UI editor is pretty capable - Code editor is pretty snappy - Quick access to Framework documentation within the editor Cons: - XCode Tabs are workspace tabs, not file tabs. This makes them mostly useless, since that's not how tabs normally in IDEs - The project file often causes conflicts when multiple team members update the project. This makes you hesitant to rename, move and refactor code. - The project navigator using "Groups" makes it hard to move files around and to keep a consistent file layout for larger projects. Why can't I add a folder to the project? - Logic tests (that e.g. measure performance) cannot be run on real devices, making them mostly useless. - Complex projects that depend on sub-projects and external open source libraries are not really supported and require third party tools - Refactoring functions are very limited. You can rename variables and functions, but this is slow and often results in errors, especially when the functions are used in multiple targets. - Workspace, project, scheme and targets, configuring complex projects is complicated and error prone. - When building a project, errors from the last build are not cleared - Consumes massive amounts of disk in strange places - Manual work needed to have multiple versions of XCode installed side by side - Code completion is erratic and often fails. - The shortcut key for completing code is ESC which seems odd - Navigating in the editor is mouse-centric - Objective-C to Swift interoperability is shake, ofter requires "Clean Build Folder" when adding new files - There's a plugin architecure, but almost no precompiled plugins (is everyone supposed to write their own improvements to the editor?) - The Source Control UI is pretty basic and requires third party tools to perform e.g. merges - Does not support creating new files and classes on the fly (e.g. from tests) - There's no connection between a Class and it's Test classes. - Drops the connection to the Phone all the time, which requires you to unlug and plug in the phone In addition to these issues, the log window sometimes stops printing logs, and the debugger behaves strange when mixing objective-C and Swift. Reporting a bug or a suggested improvement will at best result in a "marked as duplicate" but normally it's just ignored.

  • Av Frustrated iOS developer

    Unfortunately, the crappiest IDE I've ever used

    Still lacking features other IDEs have had for 15 years, colorized log messages, working refactorization etc. The developers are desperately adding new features they think we need but all we want is a MAJOR stability update. I think Xcode is a good editor when using only objective c, or only swift. In mix and match projects, it's simply a pain in the ass to work with - Debugging doesn't work, refactoring doesn't work, autocomplete doesn't work, code navigation doesn't work and the list just goes on. Biggest problem is the Swift process though, which according to Task Manager sometimes uses 75 gb of RAM split on three instances (My mac has 16 gb RAM) Also something as simple as knowing what line of code crashed and at the same time get the exception and message, which simply doesn't work in Xcode The only good thing about this editor is the Interface builder

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