Publicerad av Redefine Sp. z o.o. den 2016-12-21
1. - weather forecast for the next hour, for the night and for tomorrow, including temperature, cloud cover, precipitation, pressure, and other weather factors provided on the website.
2. In the application, you will find, among other things: - detailed weather forecasts for 2,500 locations.
3. - Weather in Poland and around the world on your phone - the most popular weather website in Poland.
4. - maximum and minimum temperature forecasts and cloud cover for 7 days.
5. - temperature and cloud cover forecasts in three-hour intervals.
6. We are at the top of the popularity ranking on and Megapanel PBI/Gemius among weather websites.
7. The application brings everything you love about to your phone in a clear and readable format.
8. You can add favorite locations and stay up to date with the weather wherever you are.
9. - the latest news and interesting facts.
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