Publicerad av PUISHAN LEUNG
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↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | PUISHAN LEUNG | 289 | 4.47405 | 1.7 | 4+ |
1. You'll be able to access plenty of new, exciting features that will help you get the most out of our app: Access to all cosmetics and tools.
2. A variety of cosmetics for you to choose from, such as: lipsticks, eyeliner, Powder, mascara, and eye-shadow.
3. In this beauty makeup app, you can experience the real makeup process.
4. Complete all makeup operations with one finger.
5. You can save and share your makeup creations with friends.
6. Activate our Premium.
7. The price varies by country and may change without notice, but you can always see the exact price in the app.
8. We will charge your card and your subscription will be automatically renewed unless you deactivate the automatic recharge a minimum of 24 hours before the end of your current subscription period.
9. Our Premium is flexible and adapts to your needs - you can cancel your subscription at any time.
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Alternativt, följ instruktionerna nedan för att använda ASMR Makeup Fun: Makeover Game på din PC:
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Öppna programmet Emulator och skriv ASMR Makeup Fun: Makeover Game i sökfältet. Klicka nu på Sök. Du kommer enkelt att se din önskade app. Klicka på det. Klicka på Install-knappen och din applikation börjar Installera. Gör så här om du vill använda appen: