Publicerad av Ubisoft
den 2025-02-26Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
Ladda ner Apk | Utvecklare | Rating | Score | Aktuell version | Vuxen rankning |
↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | Ubisoft | 72 | 4.61111 | 2.1.12 | 17+ |
1. Invincible: Guarding the Globe is an idle squad RPG set in the Invincible universe featuring a new story never seen in the comics or Amazon Prime TV series, with graphic multi battle action, character collection, team management, idle features and, of course, super-powered visuals.
2. Always good to have a little extra padding! Send your team into battle fully equipped with four categories of gear: chestwear, legwear, footwear and gloves.
3. Gain battle experience to level up your team, combining clones to increase their rank and achieve new heights of strength, power, and overall badassery.
4. Embark on a complete campaign with an original story – a new narrative where you join the Global Defense Agency to unravel the mystery of a deadly clone army (and… stolen burger meat?) working alongside the head of the GDA, Cecil Stedman.
5. During combat, each member of your team can unleash their own powerful ultimate ability to smash and/or rip the enemy to a pulp and/or shreds and claim victory.
6. Get more out of your team, send them on GDA Ops: secondary battle that runs separate from the main storyline, played simultaneously.
7. Each month a new character from the Invincible universe will be revealed and available to recruit for your team.
8. Recruit a team of iconic characters from the Invincible comics and show.
9. Prepare for social battle together, facing waves of Magmanites, Reanimen and Flaxans popping up, dropping down, or portal-ing themselves in from other dimensions.
10. More action to keep you on your toes - complete daily and weekly goals for huge in-game rewards, with frequent special offers, unique in-game events, and more to come.
11. Accompany the highly rated Amazon Prime Video show with the first Invincible mobile RPG.
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Get App or Alternatives ↓ | 72 Reviews 4.61111 |
Ubisoft |
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Just needs some more features.
Awesome game but...
Good game but i feel like you've should have the option to skip the tutorial.
Kul spel!
Snygga miljöer, snabbt spel👍
Good game
Splendid game very Good game i like it Hope it stay forever Good game Works Good i hope it stays so
A very shallow game, definitely a side game