Publicerad av Beach Bum Ltd
den 2025-01-06Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
Ladda ner Apk | Utvecklare | Rating | Score | Aktuell version | Vuxen rankning |
↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | Beach Bum Ltd | 29 | 4.89655 | 2.8.39 | 4+ |
1. Enjoy this wild online card game that will challenge your strategic thinking skills! Get ready to have a blast and test your skills and strategies as you plan to overcome fun challenges, outsmart your opponents, and win the game.
2. - Utilize wild cards to even the playing field or use power cards to increase the penalty for the next player.
3. Stacking Rule: +2 & +2 wild power cards can be played on top of each other to increase the penalty for the next player.
4. On your turn, you must place a card on the Discard Pile that matches the top card's color, number, or power.
5. With easy-to-learn rules and simple gameplay, this game is perfect for everyone to pick up and play.
6. Enjoy playing this game with your family and friends, kick back and relax whenever you have free time.
7. OPA! - Family Card Game is the perfect game for any occasion.
8. You must draw from the Draw Pile if you cannot play a card.
9. The game ends when a player reaches a set score.
10. The first player to get rid of all their cards wins the round.
11. Play, then pass to the next player.
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Get App or Alternatives ↓ | 29 Reviews 4.89655 |
Beach Bum Ltd |
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