Publicerad av Play Infinity Co., Ltd.
den 2025-03-12Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
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1. Each town has its own unique diseases, and you need to build and upgrade various facilities to discover and treat these illnesses.
2. Simply walk to the task point to start building; it's very simple! Besides diagnostic and treatment facilities, hospitals also feature various beautiful decorations and facilities to meet patients' needs, such as snack and drink vending machines.
3. Each town has unique diseases, and you need to upgrade and build various facilities to discover these diseases.
4. In the game, you need to build various modern hospitals to help the residents of the town improve their health.
5. Construct pharmacies, injection rooms, wards, physiotherapy rooms, electrotherapy rooms, psychotherapy rooms, and more to treat various interesting and peculiar diseases.
6. If you fail to discover these illnesses in time, patients will leave disappointed, and the hospital's rating will drop.
7. You need to hire doctors, nurses, cleaners, and other staff to run the hospital.
8. Once you earn enough money, you can expand your business and build more advanced hospitals.
9. Start building each hospital from scratch and enjoy the fun of construction.
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