Publicerad av Supercell
den 2025-03-18Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
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↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | Supercell | 43 | 4.90698 | 8.62.0 | 9+ |
1. is recruiting hunters to help us fight back against Chaos Monsters from parallel worlds who started invading Earth! No experience necessary.
2. We’re very excited for you to try Our team has been working hard to build a multiplayer action game with lite RPG-lite mechanics that is accessible, social, and dynamic.
3. As you progress you’ll earn all the cool, Chaos Energy infused gear that you can imagine.
4. Rather, you can try out many different combinations of Gear and decide every session to play a different role depending on what feels more fun or what would help you achieve your current goal.
5. We have also chosen to remove all pay-to-win features and instead focus only on selling cosmetics which change your style and appearance, without impacting the gameplay and/or providing unfair advantages over other players.
6. From seasoned MMO or ARPG players who might like a more bite-sized version of the games they love, to new players who have yet to experience the joy of these genres, we wanted to build something that everyone can sink their teeth into.
7. Be on the lookout for the latest monster hunting fashion trends and feel free to share your own ideas by tagging our social channels.
8. At, we know that iron sharpens iron, whether it’s solo free-for-alls or 10 v 10 battles, there’s always a way for you to test your skills against others.
9. Whether it’s with real life friends, or other random hunters, we’re in this together.
10. By planning builds together you’ll be able to take down the most intimidating of Chaos Monsters.
11. It corrupted Chaos Monsters but we also use it to make super fun Gear.
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