Publicerad av Wonder Game Limited
den 2025-03-05Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
Ladda ner Apk | Utvecklare | Rating | Score | Aktuell version | Vuxen rankning |
↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | Wonder Game Limited | 990 | 4.68485 | 1.0.77 | 4+ |
1. Find like-minded friends and invite them to join Carnival Tycoon as a team, and together build the most interesting and spectacular theme park in the world.
2. To build the most interesting theme park in the world, you unlock and upgrade more rides, strive to manage and expand the scale of the park.
3. Manage a theme park: Build more creatively designed rides to attract visitors to your park.
4. In this idle game, you start with a small theme park where visitors can ride roller coasters and Ferris wheels.
5. Island Adventures: In Carnival Tycoon, there are not only different rides but also different themed islands.
6. Carnival Tycoon - an idle simulation game that you can play together with friends.
7. To provide them with a more comfortable and enjoyable experience, continuously upgrade and renovate the rides, add more seats, and improve the efficiency of the rides.
8. As the park upgrades and expands, themed islands are continuously unlocked, and you can also obtain more revenue.
9. Earning Coins: You can generate income and earn coins even when you are away.
10. You can also hire secret agent dogs to steal coins from your competitors.
11. Simple and Easy: Upgrading a large-scale ride can be done with just a few taps of your finger.
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Wonder Game Limited |
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