Publicerad av Gold Town Games AB
den 2025-03-21Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
Ladda ner Apk | Utvecklare | Rating | Score | Aktuell version | Vuxen rankning |
↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | Gold Town Games AB | 22 | 5 | 1.0.3 | 4+ |
1. Rule the arena with Pocket Hockey Stars, a fast-paced, action-packed 3v3 ice hockey game! Compete in thrilling PvP matches and level up your team of hockey heroes to master the art of competitive arcade-style hockey battles.
2. Unlock Hockey Legends: Discover and collect unique heroes, each with their own powerful traits and abilities.
3. Pocket Hockey Stars is perfect for fans of arcade sports and PvP games.
4. Fast-Paced PvP Action: Engage in quick competitive matches that test your skills and strategy on the ice.
5. Explore New Worlds: Progress through different arenas and unlock hidden traits, rewards, and exciting new content.
6. Arcade-Style Gameplay: A thrilling mix of fast-paced action and strategic depth that keeps you coming back for more.
7. Upgrade Your Heroes: Level up your team and customize your playstyle to dominate your opponents.
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Gold Town Games AB |
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För närvarande är Pocket Hockey Stars inte tillgängligt för direkt nedladdning på en dator. Du kan dock använda emulatorer för att köra Android-appar som denna på en dator.Lär dig hur du använder Pocket Hockey Stars på din dator i dessa 5 enkla steg:
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Öppna programmet Emulator och skriv Pocket Hockey Stars i sökfältet. Klicka nu på Sök. Du kommer enkelt att se din önskade app. Klicka på det. Klicka på Install-knappen och din applikation börjar Installera. Gör så här om du vill använda appen:
Great arcade-like hockey game
Fun and competitive hockey game which is easy to learn but still have a higher skill ceiling. Probably the best online hockey game on IOS. As of writing it just released and have some bugs, nothing that is to frequent, but it would be nice to have an accessible bug report system in-game. Otherwise amazing game!
Gav mersmak!
Har helt klart potential! Får spela mer imorgon men det var roligt det här! 😃
Roligt MEN
Super kul spel men finns buggar att fixa helt klart