Publicerad av Tilting Point LLC
den 2025-03-18Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
Ladda ner Apk | Utvecklare | Rating | Score | Aktuell version | Vuxen rankning |
↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | Tilting Point LLC | 17 | 4.05882 | 1.0.434 | 9+ |
1. Embark on an incredible journey across the Avatar universe, where you have the power to unlock and unleash legendary heroes like Aang, Zuko, Toph, Katara, Tenzin, Sokka, Kuvira, Roku, Kyoshi and more iconic figures.
2. Partner with leaders around the world to form strong alliances working together to protect the world’s harmony from the malevolent spirit and his followers.
3. The destiny of the world rests upon your shoulders! Forge a mighty army by recruiting and training benders and heroes who will march into battle under your command.
4. A time of peace and harmony is disrupted by a dangerous cult devoted to a dark entity from the Spirit World.
5. Evolve your base into a fortified city, construct and enhance buildings within your base, essential for resource generation, crucial research, and the unlocking of legendary heroes.
6. Explore the world and discover different entities while you gather resources to upgrade your city and grow a more powerful army.
7. Unite these forces, combining strengths and strategies, to challenge the looming darkness and restore harmony and balance to the world.
8. Unite with other players, strategize, and work together to build resilient settlements and mount a unified front needed to defeat the powerful and dangerous enemy.
9. Form alliances with leaders worldwide to amass a formidable force capable of vanquishing your adversaries and vanishing the ominous dark spirit.
10. As the cult’s power and influence grows across the land, so too does chaos, wreaking havoc and consuming lives, leaving the ashes of formerly serene societies in its wake.
11. The choice is yours: Water, Earth, Fire or Air—select your leader's bending art, each element offering distinct gameplay advantages, units, and a visually stunning style.
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Get App or Alternatives ↓ | 17 Reviews 4.05882 |
Tilting Point LLC |
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Two random apps appeared on my home screen after downloading this game… last war & royal match. Is this a virus? Also bad translations in game.