Publicerad av Matryoshka Games (CY) LTD
den 2025-01-08Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
Ladda ner Apk | Utvecklare | Rating | Score | Aktuell version | Vuxen rankning |
↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | Matryoshka Games (CY) LTD | 2 | 5 | 0.6.0 | 4+ |
1. Whether you’re a casual gamer who enjoys food games or a budding chef dreaming of creating your own restaurant empire, this game offers a rich and immersive experience that captures the fun and challenges of the culinary world, perfect for players looking for a light yet engaging casual game.
2. Dive into the Cooking game that combines the charm of cafe, food, and restaurant games.
3. As you progress, experience the thrill of time management by efficiently managing multiple food tasks to ensure that all dishes are prepared and served promptly, keeping your customers happy.
4. This cooking game allows you to hone your skills in a variety of food games, including chopping and frying across different restaurants.
5. Start your cooking adventure as an aspiring chef keen to master the casual and engaging kitchen time management.
6. Explore an extensive range of food games where you can try out various recipes and ingredients, from crafting simple cafe snacks to complex dinner meals.
7. Extend your culinary journey beyond the kitchen by interacting with customers and overseeing kitchen operations, adding a layer of strategy and casual fun.
8. Earn profits to expand your restaurant, customize your kitchen, and even establish new venues in culinary capitals around the world.
9. Manage food delivery, ingredient stocking, and restaurant upgrades to attract more customers.
10. Venture deeper into the casual gameplay by running the day-to-day operations of your restaurant.
11. Each choice you make influences your restaurant success.
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Matryoshka Games (CY) LTD |
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