Publicerad av pokedata
den 2025-02-25Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
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↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | pokedata | 1 | 5 | 0.0.18 | 9+ |
1. The text and imagery related to the Pokemon Trading Card Game are copyrighted materials owned by The Pokemon Company International, Inc.
2. Disclaimer: Pokemon and Pokemon Trading Cards are registered trademarks of The Pokemon Company International, Inc.
3. See current prices and price history across multiple markets (eBay, TCGPlayer, CardMarket, Auction Houses, etc.) and for multiple graders (Raw, PSA, CGC).
4. This app is not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by, or in any way associated with The Pokemon Company International, Inc.
5. Make custom Lists ahead of a trade night to keep track of your chase cards.
6. Use pokedata to get the most out of your collection! Our aim is to bring transparency to the hobby and equip collectors and investors like you with the tools you deserve.
7. Know the true value of your collection and keep track of your finances as your collection evolves.
8. • Easily search up cards and sealed product for current values and comps.
9. For advanced data and tools consider a Pro subscription at either our GOLD or PLATINUM tiers.
10. We have an ever growing catalog of English and Japanese cards and products.
11. Portfolios help you organize what you own and track your profit or loss for each item.
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