Publicerad av UNICO STUDIO
den 2024-08-15Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
Ladda ner Apk | Utvecklare | Rating | Score | Aktuell version | Vuxen rankning |
↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | UNICO STUDIO | 7 | 4.71429 | 1.1.0 | 4+ |
1. Enjoy the most addictive quiz game mode with new competitive tv show elements! Try to score high points by not only quessing the most popular answers to short everyday questions in life, but also in correct order.
2. Fun quiz show game blends with a true word search experience empowered with millions of quizzes and trivia challenges.
3. Start from nobody and reach the level of Legend! Every correct answer and extra game modes grant you popularity points to help in this tricky trivia journey.
4. Enhance your trivia quiz game experience with Popular Words 2.
5. Are you careful enough to keep your turn in this puzzle brain game? Each level win will increase your points multiplier as you take higher risks in higher trivia levels.
6. Popular Words 2 is developed by the creators of fan favorite word games such as Word Pearls and Word City and mind blowing trivia games such as Brain Test, Who is and Smart brain.
7. Hours and hours of fun are guaranteed with this free and addictive trivia quiz game! Your awareness of your daily routine will also increase.
8. It has a unique design and it is an addictive, fun quiz game like its predecessor Popular Words.
9. Gather your family and friends to play this word party game and recreate the popular TV shows in your house.
10. You will always have the “Remove Answer” option to get rid of excessive answers in this free trivia game.
11. If you are a word game fan, try this challenge, take the quizzes, and discover Popular Words 2.
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Get App or Alternatives ↓ | 7 Reviews 4.71429 |
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