Publicerad av Supersasa Games
den 2025-01-13Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
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1. 3 Eliminate the Screws: Align the bolts with their matching boxes to clear them out and progress through the levels.
2. 2 Navigate the Metal Plates: Strategize to move around metal barriers and solve arrow puzzles to free the cubes.
3. Your main challenge is to untangle a cluster of 3D cubes secured with screws and metal plates.
4. Unscrew the bolts of different colors and place them in the matching boxes.
5. 1 Unscrew the 3D Blocks: Carefully unscrew the bolts and match them with their corresponding color boxes.
6. 1 Challenging Puzzles: Experience a mix of screw-unscrewing puzzles and match-3 gameplay that keeps you on your toes.
7. Dive into the core mechanics, where arrow puzzles meet match-3 elements.
8. 2 Customizable Gameplay: Choose from over 10+ unique skins to personalize your cubes and bolts.
9. 5 Help at Hand: Use hints to overcome the toughest puzzles and keep your progress on track.
10. "Cube Out 3D: Jam Puzzle" is a captivating game that combines the thrill of puzzle-solving with the excitement of elimination gameplay.
11. 3 300+ Engaging Levels: With levels ranging from beginner to expert, there's always a new challenge waiting for you.
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