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1. AI analyzes the uploaded image and attempts to bring the people in the photo to life, giving them realistic movements, facial expressions, and gestures.
2. To access all features and unlock the full potential of AI-powered content creation, an active subscription to Reviva is required.
3. The result can be stunning, especially if you’ve never seen the person from the photo in real life.
4. Simply select one of your pictures, and artificial intelligence will animate it, making it look like you are moving to popular tunes.
5. This effect is reminiscent of the awe that cinema evoked when it was first invented.
6. You can achieve an even more impressive effect by combining two photos.
7. Using the unique features of the app, you can hug or kiss your loved one.
8. With the app, you can create multiple projects with different photos.
9. Now you can imagine how they might have smiled or moved.
10. Make your photo dance.
11. Our memories often exist only in old photographs.
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