Publicerad av Springcomes Co., Ltd.
den 2025-03-14Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
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↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | Springcomes Co., Ltd. | 1 | 1 | 1.7 | 4+ |
1. The game will continuously provide blocks of different shapes and will continue until there is no more empty space on the board.
2. Classic Puzzle Mode: Drag blocks onto the board to match as many blocks as possible.
3. "Block Travel" is a simple and entertaining game that is addictive while enhancing brain training and logical thinking.
4. Travel Puzzle Mode: A challenging mode where you travel around the world! Collect puzzle pieces to complete pictures and earn trophies.
5. - The game ends if there is no sufficient space to place a block on the board.
6. Master the technique of filling rows or columns to make this puzzle game easier.
7. - Place blocks rhythmically without rushing, as there is no time limit.
8. Test your puzzle-solving skills and choose the optimal match when placing blocks.
9. When you're filling your leisure time, not sure what to do, or enjoying some alone time, Block Travel is waiting for you.
10. - Blocks cannot be rotated, increasing the challenge and uncertainty.
11. - No in-app purchases required, and you can continue to challenge yourself by watching ads at the end of the game.
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