Publicerad av Gyroscope Innovations den 2024-10-22
Vad är Gyroscope? Gyroscope är en personlig hälsocoach som synkroniseras med Apple Health för att ge hälsodashboardar och coachingfunktioner baserade på din data. Appen erbjuder olika medlemskap som ger olika funktioner och stöd, från att bara spåra humör och stress till att ha en AI-coach och mänskligt stöd för att hantera din hälsa. Gyroscope är en prenumerationstjänst som kostar mellan $9,99 och $150 per månad.
- Synkronisering med Apple Health för att samla in hälsodata
- Hälsodashboardar för att visualisera din hälsodata
- Coachingfunktioner för att hjälpa dig att förbättra din hälsa
- Medlemskap med olika funktioner och stöd, från att bara spåra humör och stress till att ha en AI-coach och mänskligt stöd för att hantera din hälsa
- Möjlighet att lägga till vänner eller göra din profil offentlig
- Privat och säker datahantering
- Inga annonser
- Auto-förnyande prenumerationstjänst med månatliga betalningar via iTunes-konto
- Möjlighet att avbryta prenumerationen och radera ditt konto när som helst.
Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
Ladda ner Apk | Utvecklare | Rating | Score | Aktuell version | Vuxen rankning |
↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | Gyroscope Innovations | 3 | 5 | 7.3 | 4+ |
Skaffa PC-app eller de bästa alternativen (direktnedladdning)
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Skaffa app eller alternativ ↓ | 3 Recensioner 5 |
Gyroscope Innovations |
Alternativt, följ instruktionerna nedan för att använda Gyroscope på din PC:
För närvarande är Gyroscope inte tillgängligt för direkt nedladdning på en dator. Du kan dock använda emulatorer för att köra Android-appar som denna på en dator.Lär dig hur du använder Gyroscope på din dator i dessa 5 enkla steg:
Till att börja med kan du välja mellan någon av programmen nedan:
Jag rekommenderar Bluestacks.
Öppna emulatorn >> skriv Gyroscope i sökfältet >> klicka på Sök. Du kommer nu att se Gyroscope appen. Öppna den och klicka på knappen "Installera" för att starta installationen.
Ladda ner på MAC
Ladda ner Apk | Utvecklare | Rating | Score | Aktuell version | Vuxen rankning |
Gratis På iTunes ↲ | Gyroscope Innovations | 3 | 5 | 7.3 | 4+ |
- Appen har en intressant koncept som samlar hälsodata från olika källor och hjälper användaren att hitta samband mellan dem.
- Den nya gränssnittet är uppskattat av användare.
- Appen kan spåra användarens resor och förflyttningar.
Perhaps too expensive
Update: They considerably improved their battery consumption. I still like the place tracking better in Life Cycle. However, Gyroscope is a nice app. For some it might be worth the steep price.
First you ask for my interest in your app, when moves was shut down, because your free app could load my moves data. I let you use my moves data (several years) and started using your app instead. Then the app keeps going to sleep, each and other day Then I suddenly ran out of free space, so looking at previous day was impossible, I had to pay for the free app who welcomed me as a user when moves closed. Now, you've completely shut down the app, if I want to use the free app that could take care of my moves data, which was restricted to "today" only, telling me that nothing is free and I have to pay, but I can still load my data, but there is no link to my data, and I can only access by paying. Moves kept track of my travelling, to/from work, very nifty, as I used it for my income statement deductions of trips. For free. You stole my data, all of it, telling me it's mine if I pay? Then, I have to tell all of my colleagues to stop using the non free app, since you take our data hostage without a single clue how to reach them before end of 2019 before they are deleted... as deleted as my tax deduction for trips... Well... not everyone who needs to keep track are interested in loosing or gaining weight. So, you're also fat shaming me... How will I get my data back? Tell me, please...
Dead in the water…
…after the latest update (3.49). Freezes on a complete white screen when starting,even on a freshly restarted phone.
This is the best app in the whole health category
This app has made me more active, use less computer and sleep better than ever. I am now hyped for summer because then i can run everyday 5km and lose weight.
A poorly executed app
Gyroscope is a compelling app built on an interesting concept. However, it is not a feasible option for one core reason: It’s seriously draining your battery. Today, it’s been responsible for eating ⅕ of my battery. Let’s repeat that — a fifth of my entire battery life. The past ten days, Gyroscope has been on my screen for two minutes — while using 16% of my battery. Even if I’m somehow unlucky, and these numbers are way too high, half of these figures would still be way too high. It’s by far the most costly app in terms of power on my phone. It eats twice as much battery than iMessage, Google Photos and Apple’s Photos — combined. No matter how much Gyroscope could improve your life, I promise you it won’t make your life better when it ruins your battery life. Your will need to start charging your phone earlier in the evening (or afternoon). Actually, I’ve started to really dislike my iPhone Xs (used less than six months). I’ve started not liking my phone because my battery life sucks. Especially compared to my iPad (hey, lately even compared to my Apple Watch series 4). Now I’m removing Gyroscope from my device and my phone really shines again. I blame myself for not deleting it earlier. My overall battery health is good, in the high nineties, and I’m free of battery draining apps. Lastly — a disclaimer and a suggestion of other apps: I really like Gyroscope. I like the idea and the overall concept. Having Life Cycle track your moves and activities is a much better alternative. Or let Google Maps do it (even though I wouldn’t feel as comfortable with that.) These apps won’t affect your battery life much — or even at all when it comes to Life Cycle. (Hard to believe, but apparently triangulation is a very resource friendly technique.) — celebritarian