Publicerad av Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH den 2024-05-29
1. Fånga snabbt och enkelt dina musikaliska idéer så fort de kommer och förvandla dem till professionellt låtande låtar med den prisbelönta Cubasis 3.
2. Möt en av de snabbaste, mest intuitiva och kompletta ljud- och MIDI-DAW:erna som finns tillgängliga på iOS idag: Cubasis 3.
3. Njut av att spela, spela in, mixa och dela din musik på nolltid, var du än är, direkt på din iPhone och iPad.
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↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH | 159 | 4.54717 | 3.6.6 | 4+ |
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Skaffa app eller alternativ ↓ | 159 Recensioner 4.54717 |
Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH |
Alternativt, följ instruktionerna nedan för att använda Cubasis 3 - DAW & Music Studio på din PC:
För närvarande är Cubasis 3 inte tillgängligt för direkt nedladdning på en dator. Du kan dock använda emulatorer för att köra Android-appar som denna på en dator.Lär dig hur du använder Cubasis 3 - DAW & Music Studio på din dator i dessa 5 enkla steg:
Till att börja med kan du välja mellan någon av programmen nedan:
Jag rekommenderar Bluestacks.
Öppna emulatorn >> skriv Cubasis 3 i sökfältet >> klicka på Sök. Du kommer nu att se Cubasis 3 appen. Öppna den och klicka på knappen "Installera" för att starta installationen.
Ladda ner på MAC
Ladda ner Apk | Utvecklare | Rating | Score | Aktuell version | Vuxen rankning |
549,00 kr På iTunes ↲ | Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH | 159 | 4.54717 | 3.6.6 | 4+ |
Not possible to record in a loop, good sounds and no limit tracks
Not there yet
Cubasis 3 is a good DAW but GarageBand is still in the lead. Everything in GarageBand is so much more intuitive than in Cubasis 3. Cubasis 3 has much going for it. The editing is great. It’s easy to move parts around and arrange a song. Good sounding FX. And there it ends. The good stuff. Shure. Cubasis 3 has good instrument sounds and good drum sounds. But so does GarageBand. And it’s easy to work in GarageBand to. Where Cubasis 3 fails compared to GarageBand is in user friendliness. In GarageBand it’s easy to plug in a guitar or bass, a vocal mic and find a good sound to record. That’s the classic way of working in any DAW as a songwriter with a guitar. In Cubasis 3 it’s a nightmare. Shure Cubasis 3 allows the user to implement 3rd party apps via IA audio but it doesn’t work as supposed. Apps goes silent or other strange things happens. In the end I just unplugg and go to bed. Having nightmares over how bad IA audio works in Cubasis 3. Not entirely Steinberg fault. They just don’t fit together as they should. 3rd party apps and Cubasis 3. And if you try to make your own guitar, bass or vocal sound in Cubasis 3, be prepared to dive into menus and spend a good amount of time before you’re done. You won’t be impressed with the guitar/bass or vocal sound coming out of Cubasis 3. It doesn’t have any presets or “programs” for guitar/bass or vocals. Your vocal sound might be an easy fix but not the rest. Next morning. Good morning GarageBand. How lovely to meet you again old friend. Everything works. Cubasis has a loooong way to go before it’s where GarageBand is. Not until Steinberg has their own guitar/vocal apps implemented from within Cubasis and a dedicated drum mixer will they be able to compete with GarageBand. As it stands today, Cubasis 3 is a good DAW but horribly unintuitive. And it has nothing to do with learning Cubasis workflow. It’s just that Cubasis workflow isn’t flowing. It’s a stumbling and a falling for Cubasis. It has the potential to take the lead. But it’s just not there yet. Maybe in Cubasis 4? Until then I’ll be busy making music in GarageBand.
It's Cubee, love it anyway
NICE UPDATE STEINBERG Thanks, i hope that in the next update you find a way to skip that autoplay in samples. Just do it. 👌🙏
Lagging and unable to bounce
I’m having issues with lag, probably buffering issues and not being able to lower the buffer size. I’m also not able to bounce songs without the app crashing. This might be because of ios update, which caused problems with another daw app.
Update for mouse support
I like the program and it seems very versitile. One suggestion for the next update would be to uppdate for the new mouse support for scrolling menus and right clicking would make the program even better!