Publicerad av Train Fitness Inc. den 2024-11-06
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↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | Train Fitness Inc. | 8 | 4.875 | 3.9.11 | 4+ |
1. The Train Fitness app works with your Apple Watch fitness to automatically track and record your exercises, count reps, and monitor performance! Our workout tracker uses the motion of your Apple Watch to automatically log the exercises and reps you are performing to enhance your strength training.
2. Whether you want to gain strength, build muscle, lose weight fast, get shredded, or just log workouts at the gym, Train Fitness is the only hands-free workout tracker helping you achieve your goals.
3. Train Fitness is the first hands-free gym workout tracker, that helps users reach their fitness goals & get strong faster.
4. Our Ai-powered workout tracker allows you to keep track of how long you have been resting using the handy rest timer to make sure you're reaching your strength training goals.
5. Our workout tracker allows users to filter specific dates to see your strength training progress and understand how you are improving your bodybuilding or overall fitness.
6. Simply strap on your Apple Watch, start the exercise, and Train Fitness will automatically detect over 82 exercises you perform, and count your reps for you.
7. The Train Fitness App is an all-encompassing workout log app that tracks how you move and helps you achieve your strength training goals at the gym.
8. We support gym exercises to hit biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders, back, legs, and core! Stop guessing what exercises to do or which workout tracker is easiest, know your goals and what workout log you need to follow to achieve them.
9. Forget about your manual workout log, Train Fitness is the ultimate gym workout tracker.
10. Our AI-powered workout tracker works with the Apple Watch 4, 5, 6, 7, and SE Apple Watch models.
11. Using an automatic gym workout tracker enables users to be completely hands-free and saves them time while working out.
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