Publicerad av One Hundred Bad Ideas Limited
den 2024-09-13Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC
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↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | One Hundred Bad Ideas Limited | 18 | 4.61111 | 2.1.0 | 4+ |
1. StressWatch requires read authorization from Apple Health to provide reminders, stress moment statistics, and suggestions; otherwise, it cannot function properly.
2. - You can constantly monitor your HRV levels (and stress levels) from your Apple Watch by adding StressWatch to your Watch Face.
3. (Not everyone is a rocket scientist!) So it got us thinking: how can we design a app that delivers numbers and data in a friendly manner that will help users to reduce stress and anxiety.
4. - Paired with proper exercise and adequate rest, monitor and analyze your weekly and monthly stress levels over prolonged periods of time; you'll realize that you're getting better as time goes on.
5. StressWatch relies on your RHR (Resting Heart Rate) and HRV (Heart Rate Variability) data retrieved from Apple Health.
6. StressWatch reads heart rate health data from Apple Watch through Apple Health.
7. We created StressWatch with the sole intention to help people to reduce anxiety in this age of stress and pressure.
8. - When you work late into the night, StressWatch can remind you that your HRV is low and you're stressed - a gentle reminder to help you understand that it's time to get some rest.
9. We constantly monitor your status and remind your immediately if your stress levels get too high so you can take action right away to help reduce your stress levels.
10. If you feel excessive stress that cannot be adjusted, and before making any medical decisions, please seek professional medical help in a timely manner.
11. We'll analyze and interpret the data to determine your current stress levels.
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