Publicerad av JLab Audio den 2025-02-23
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1. Adjust Noise Control settings, Be Aware, touch controls, safe listening levels, and sound to your personal preference – or use the presets for JLab Signature, Balanced, or Bass Boost.
2. JLab products come set with three default settings - called Custom EQ3 Sound, which features JLab Signature, Balanced and Bass Boost and a 4th option 'Custom'.
3. Use the JLab App to test and set your own equalizer settings by adjusting Bass (200, 280, 400 Hz levels), Mid-Range (550, 770, 1000, 2000 Hz levels) and Treble (4000, 8000, 16000 Hz levels).
4. Use the JLab App to increase or decrease the amount of outside noise you let in by adjusting your Be Aware settings.
5. With the new JLab App, you'll be able to increase the active noise canceling from off all the way to max ANC, (on your ANC compatible earbuds) while in the earbuds themselves you can only select on or off.
6. JLab products come with controls in each earbud that control anything from volume, track changes, play/pause and more.
7. The new and improved JLab app offers complete customization for all JLab App compatible models.
8. All future JLab models will now support Safe Hearing.
9. Fine tune your sound by adjusting the equalizer settings.
10. If you'd like to switch the settings, you can customize your controls further via the app.
11. Switch between the default output, 95 dB, or 85 dB for a safe listening experience.
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För närvarande är JLab inte tillgängligt för direkt nedladdning på en dator. Du kan dock använda emulatorer för att köra Android-appar som denna på en dator.Lär dig hur du använder JLab på din dator i dessa 5 enkla steg:
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