1Focus - App & Website Blocker

Ladda ner 1Focus - App & Website Blocker

Publicerad av Niklas Behrens den 2024-05-03

  • ⓘ Kompatibilitet: Kräver Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7
  • Kategori: Productivity
  • Formellt Tillstånd: Gratis
  • Språk: Svenska
  • Aktuell version: 3.5.3
  • Filstorlek: 10.97 MB

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★ ★ ★ 1Focus Översikt

Vad är 1Focus? 1Focus är en app som hjälper användare att blockera distraherande webbplatser och appar för att öka produktiviteten och fokusera på det som är viktigt. Appen har en gratis version med grundläggande funktioner och en betald version, 1Focus Pro, med fler avancerade funktioner.


1Focus - App & Website Blocker på PC   1Focus - App & Website Blocker på PC   1Focus - App & Website Blocker på PC   1Focus - App & Website Blocker på PC  

1Focus - App & Website Blocker funktioner och beskrivning

Gratis version:

- Blockera specifika webbplatser i Safari, Google Chrome, Brave, Microsoft Edge och Opera.

- Blockera specifika appar, till exempel e-post, spel eller webbläsare som inte stöds.

- Blockera internetåtkomst genom att blockera installerade webbläsare och App Store.

- Blockera under en viss tidsperiod, från 1 minut till 1 dag.

- Omöjligt att kringgå blockeringen när den är aktiv.

- Kompetent användarsupport på onefocusapp.com/support.

1Focus Pro:

- Schemalägg återkommande blockeringar, till exempel måndag till fredag.

- Blockera alla webbplatser eller appar förutom specifika.

- Skapa separata blocklistor för olika uppgifter.

- Upphäv blockeringen under en begränsad tid.

- Blockera URL-nyckelord med hjälp av asterisker, till exempel *gaming*.

- Blockera populära webbplatser efter kategori, till exempel nyheter.

1Focus Pro är gratis att prova i 14 dagar och kostar sedan $1,99 per månad eller $9,99 per år. Priserna kan variera beroende på plats. Prenumerationer debiteras på ditt iTunes-konto och förnyas automatiskt om du inte avbryter dem i dina kontoinställningar minst 24 timmar före slutet av den aktuella perioden. Användarvillkor finns på onefocusapp.com/terms.


Har du några frågor eller förslag? Besök onefocusapp.com/support.

Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC

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↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC Niklas Behrens 0 0 3.5.3 4+

Hur man Hämta och installera 1Focus - App & Website Blocker på din Windows-dator

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Niklas Behrens

Alternativt, följ instruktionerna nedan för att använda 1Focus - App & Website Blocker på din PC:

För närvarande är 1Focus inte tillgängligt för direkt nedladdning på en dator. Du kan dock använda emulatorer för att köra Android-appar som denna på en dator.Lär dig hur du använder 1Focus - App & Website Blocker på din dator i dessa 5 enkla steg:

Steg 1: Ladda ner och installera en Android-emulator

Till att börja med kan du välja mellan någon av programmen nedan:

  1. Nox-app .
  2. Bluestacks .

Jag rekommenderar Bluestacks.

Steg 2: Hur man använder 1Focus - App & Website Blocker

Öppna emulatorn >> skriv 1Focus i sökfältet >> klicka på Sök. Du kommer nu att se 1Focus appen. Öppna den och klicka på knappen "Installera" för att starta installationen.

Ladda ner på MAC

Ladda ner Apk Utvecklare Rating Score Aktuell version Vuxen rankning
Gratis På iTunes ↲ Niklas Behrens 0 0 3.5.3 4+


  • Av MikaAP

    I totaly love this app!

    I really love this app, and I TRULY recommend it! A woman told me about this app when we spoke about my lack of discipline regarding my studies. I checked it up as soon as I could. What she hadn’t told me was that I had to buy the app, at first I tought (or really hoped) it would be free.. When I realized I had to pay for it I started to doubt if I would appreciate enoght or if I were going to regrett the money I’ve spent. But this app made me happily surprised. It didn’t just lived up to my expectations, it exceeded them! After I tried it I wolud say the price could be twice as high, and I would still be happy with it. The thing I love the most is the flexibility. You could choos eighter to accept or block both apps and websites, and you don’t have to have the same settnings for everything. That means you can choos to block some given/determined websites and allow everything else, bur you can also choose to only allow a few pages and block everything else. Me myself usually choose to block websites that I know distracts me but allow everything else on the web so I don’t miss any usefull sources for my studies. On the other hand I only give myself access to a very few apps, such as pages, safari, notes and Spotify. Everything that enable comunication shuts up. The best thing is that when you once started the app (you choose for how long time it will be activated) you can’t turn it off, which means that you really can’t cheat, at least not on the device you’re using at the moment. Neither can you delete a website or app that’s included in the ”forbidden” list. I’m not even sure this app turns into an inaccuratede mode if you turn off your device and then restart it, but I havn’t tried so I can’t tell. The very first time I used this app i almost got nervous of pulling my own freedom away, but just a few minutes later I realizes how calm I became. Ever since - this app has really changes my ability to focus when I can’t afford to loose importent and irreversible time by doing absolutly unnecessary stuff. There’re just one single thing I miss, and that’s the ability to reject specific keywords, or the other way around, only allow some determined ones. To be able to use google and other similar websites freely could be hard if you haven’t blocked every singel page that may apply to that word. Personally I often distract myself by searching for recepice for the upcoming meal or something else that seems ”urgent” and captures all of my thoughts. Except that minimal detail I can say nothing but how thankful I am for finding it, I wish I did a year ago..!

  • Av MikaAP

    I totaly love this app!

    I really love this app, and I TRULY recommend it! A woman told me about this app when we spoke about my lack of discipline regarding my studies. I checked it up as soon as I could. What she hadn’t told me was that I had to buy the app, at first I tought (or really hoped) it would be free.. When I realized I had to pay for it I started to doubt if I would appreciate enoght or if I were going to regrett the money I’ve spent. But this app made me happily surprised. It didn’t just lived up to my expectations, it exceeded them! After I tried it I wolud say the price could be twice as high, and I would still be happy with it. The thing I love the most is the flexibility. You could choos eighter to accept or block both apps and websites, and you don’t have to have the same settnings for everything. That means you can choos to block some given/determined websites and allow everything else, bur you can also choose to only allow a few pages and block everything else. Me myself usually choose to block websites that I know distracts me but allow everything else on the web so I don’t miss any usefull sources for my studies. On the other hand I only give myself access to a very few apps, such as pages, safari, notes and Spotify. Everything that enable comunication shuts up. The best thing is that when you once started the app (you choose for how long time it will be activated) you can’t turn it off, which means that you really can’t cheat, at least not on the device you’re using at the moment. Neither can you delete a website or app that’s included in the ”forbidden” list. I’m not even sure this app turns into an inaccuratede mode if you turn off your device and then restart it, but I havn’t tried so I can’t tell. The very first time I used this app i almost got nervous of pulling my own freedom away, but just a few minutes later I realizes how calm I became. Ever since - this app has really changes my ability to focus when I can’t afford to loose importent and irreversible time by doing absolutly unnecessary stuff. There’re just one single thing I miss, and that’s the ability to reject specific keywords, or the other way around, only allow some determined ones. To be able to use google and other similar websites freely could be hard if you haven’t blocked every singel page that may apply to that word. Personally I often distract myself by searching for recepice for the upcoming meal or something else that seems ”urgent” and captures all of my thoughts. Except that minimal detail I can say nothing but how thankful I am for finding it, I wish I did a year ago..!

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