Publicerad av 纲 王 den 2024-11-10
Vad är 英语事事通? English Shishitong is an all-in-one English self-learning app that covers various aspects of English learning. It includes a dictionary tool with a unique word root and affix dictionary, authentic scene clips, and picture memory, among others. The platform offers rich content, with most courses featuring accurate bilingual texts. The powerful sentence database search function makes it easy to search for movie clips and sentence examples, with content continuously updated.
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1. Varje klipp representerar olika användningssituationer för varje ord, vilket gör det roligt och enkelt att memorera och behärska orden.
2. Ordrots- och ordbildsordbok: Ordrots- och ordbildsordbok är en mycket effektiv metod för att memorera ord genom association.
3. Genom att använda ordet kan du snabbt hitta motsvarande ordbildsdelar och genom ordbildsdelar hitta alla relaterade ord, vilket underlättar association och minne av ord.
4. Ordboken innehåller en unik ordrot- och ordbildsordbok, autentiska scener och bilder för minne, och mycket mer.
5. Massnedladdning för offlineanvändning, inklusive snabb och långsam VOA, BBC News, CET-4, CET-8, TOEFL, IELTS, postgraduate entrance examination, barnengelska, underhållningstal, New Concept och mer.
6. Till skillnad från andra program och böcker stöder denna programvara vanliga ordrots- och ordbildsökningar samt sökning efter vanliga ordbildsdelar.
7. Den kraftfulla frasbankssökningen gör det enkelt att söka efter filmklipp och exempelmeningar från texter, och innehållet uppdateras kontinuerligt.
8. Du kan också exportera de samlade orden och anpassa exportmallen för att använda orden i andra program.
9. Ordträning: Du kan använda ord som samlats in för att göra grundläggande inlärning och stavningsövningar.
10. Tillsammans med filmklipp, ordbild och ordrots- och ordbildsordbok kan du använda högerhjärnminnet fullt ut och göra ordminnet mer levande.
11. Filmklipp från autentiska scener: Innehåller autentiska filmklipp relaterade till ordet, inklusive populära filmer, TV-serier, dokumentärer, tal och mer.
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纲 王 |
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Öppna programmet Emulator och skriv 英语事事通 i sökfältet. Klicka nu på Sök. Du kommer enkelt att se din önskade app. Klicka på det. Klicka på Install-knappen och din applikation börjar Installera. Gör så här om du vill använda appen:
- Word search: Users can view detailed explanations of words by searching for them or selecting them from course texts. Features include:
- Authentic scene clips: Includes movie clips, TV shows, documentaries, speeches, and more related to the word. Each clip represents a different application scenario for the word, making it easier to remember and master.
- Word illustrations: Users can add pictures to words and provide explanations for them.
- Word root and affix morphology: Word roots and affixes are an effective way to remember words through association. Unlike other software and books, this app supports common word root and affix queries, as well as locating the word's morphological parts, making it easy to associate and remember.
- Word collection: Automatically syncs course text new words to the cloud. Highlight collected words in course texts. Combined with scene clips, word illustrations, and word root and affix morphology, users can fully utilize their right-brain memory to make word memorization more natural.
- Word memorization: Users can memorize collected words through initial memorization and dictation functions. Word memorization progress is synced to the cloud. Users can also export collected words and customize export templates for use in other software.
- Course learning:
- Batch download: Users can download courses for offline use, including VOA fast and slow, BBC news, CET-4 and CET-6, professional level 8, TOEFL, IELTS, postgraduate entrance examination, children's English, entertainment speeches, New Concept English, and more. Content is continuously updated and improved.
- Recording comparison: Users can read along with the course text and compare their pronunciation with the standard pronunciation. The app automatically replays the standard pronunciation and the user's pronunciation to correct pronunciation errors.
- Customizable replay area: Users can set the replay area to within 0.1 seconds, making it easy to accurately listen to and transcribe words or even syllables, as well as to identify whether their pronunciation is accurate.
- 2-3 learning modes: Users can choose to hide Chinese or English during the listening and reading process. The detailed mode allows users to hide specific sentences for focused learning. Full-text reading supports pauses between sentences.
- Simple mode: Users can click on English sentences to hear them read aloud, and the app automatically highlights the sentence during dictation.
- Word game: Users can click or drag words to form sentences, making learning fun.
- Sentence practice: Users can practice listening and dictation skills with individual sentences.
- Background/lock screen playback: Supports headphone remote control playback, pause, next, and previous functions.
- Variable speed playback: Playback speed ranges from 0.5X to 2.0X.
- Course learning interface supports full-text search.
- Other features:
- Notes: Supports course text, course text sentences, and word notes, with all notes automatically synced to the cloud.
- Sentence database: Massive collection of authentic movie clips and course text examples. Supports English, Simplified Chinese, and fuzzy search/classification search.
- Daily word and sentence: Daily articles on word groups and sentence grammar.