Publicerad av Johns Hopkins Mobile medicine den 2018-03-19
Vad är Hopkins Prostate Pathology? The Johns Hopkins Atlas of Pancreatic Pathology is a teaching app designed for medical residents, fellows, and practicing pathologists. It covers a wide range of entities from benign to malignant and from common to rare. The app contains a multitude of microscopic images that highlight and discuss different features essential to making diagnoses in pancreatic pathology.
- Five different modules: a guide to features that support a diagnosis of carcinoma, a guide to features of atypical glands suspicious for carcinoma, an algorithm that teaches cancer grading, a discussion of the new cancer grade grouping, and instructions for measuring involvement of a needle core biopsy by cancer.
- Searchable image atlas with nearly 700 high resolution color images with expertly-authored captions.
- Images can be viewed together or separately, and two entities can be compared side-by-side.
- Atlas can be viewed by diagnosis or by features, and can be searched using a key word search.
- Create your own albums and add images you select from the atlas to these albums.
- Flash cards module allows you to view a randomly generated assortment of images from the image bank and subsequently view the diagnosis and caption by simply “flipping” the card over.
- Helps hone and strengthen skills in pancreatic pathology.
- Feedback can be sent to Dr. Hruban at [email protected].
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