Daily Mirror Newspaper App

Ladda ner Daily Mirror Newspaper App

Publicerad av Reach Shared Services Limited den 2024-09-19

  • ⓘ Kompatibilitet: Kräver Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7
  • Kategori: News
  • Formellt Tillstånd: Gratis
  • Språk: Svenska
  • Aktuell version: 3.26
  • Filstorlek: 25.94 MB

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★ ★ ★ Daily Mirror Newspaper App Översikt

Vad är Daily Mirror Newspaper App? The Daily Mirror app is a digital version of the newspaper that provides an exact reproduction of the print edition with additional features such as video reports, interactive advertisements, and pop-up crosswords. The app offers six days of the Daily Mirror and The Sunday Mirror every week, making it the best value newspaper app on the market. The app also includes exclusive extra content, high-resolution picture galleries, and direct web links to Mirror special offers and advertiser deals. The app is free to download, and new users can take advantage of a free one-month trial before subscribing.


Daily Mirror Newspaper App på PC   Daily Mirror Newspaper App på PC   Daily Mirror Newspaper App på PC   Daily Mirror Newspaper App på PC  

Daily Mirror Newspaper App funktioner och beskrivning

- Automatic overnight download of the edition onto your iPad using Wi-Fi

- Archive of previous editions available at the touch of a screen tab

- High-resolution picture galleries of additional photographs

- Video reports of news stories, film trailers, and sneak peeks at the latest video games

- Interactive crosswords that pop-up to be filled in

- Direct web links to Mirror special offers, advertiser deals, and additional info on horoscopes, the weather, and other useful services

- Mirror’s award-winning news, sport, and showbusiness coverage and stable of star columnists

- Mirror sections, magazines, and supplements, including Celebs on Sunday, Holidays and Getaways, Your Life, The Ticket, Mirror Football, Mania, Racing, Puzzles, We Love TV, and additional special supplements

- Free one-month trial period before subscribing

- Subscription of £4.99/month after the trial period

- Auto-renewal of subscription unless turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period

- Manage subscriptions and turn off auto-renewal in the user's Account Settings after purchase

- No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during the active subscription period

- Privacy policy and terms of use available at http://www.trinitymirrorapps.com/tablet/

- Feedback and help available at [email protected]

- Facebook page at http://fb.me/DailyMirror

- Twitter page at https://twitter.com/DailyMirrorapp

- Use of the app and content subject to the current versions of the Terms of Service found at http://mirror.co.uk/terms-of-service.

Ladda ner kompatibel APK på PC

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↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC Reach Shared Services Limited 0 0 3.26 12+

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Alternativt, följ instruktionerna nedan för att använda Daily Mirror Newspaper App på din PC:

För närvarande är Daily Mirror Newspaper App inte tillgängligt för direkt nedladdning på en dator. Du kan dock använda emulatorer för att köra Android-appar som denna på en dator.Lär dig hur du använder Daily Mirror Newspaper App på din dator i dessa 5 enkla steg:

Steg 1: Ladda ner och installera en Android-emulator

Till att börja med kan du välja mellan någon av programmen nedan:

  1. Nox-app .
  2. Bluestacks .

Jag rekommenderar Bluestacks.

Steg 2: Hur man använder Daily Mirror Newspaper App

Öppna emulatorn >> skriv Daily Mirror Newspaper App i sökfältet >> klicka på Sök. Du kommer nu att se Daily Mirror Newspaper App appen. Öppna den och klicka på knappen "Installera" för att starta installationen.

Ladda ner på MAC

Ladda ner Apk Utvecklare Rating Score Aktuell version Vuxen rankning
Gratis På iTunes ↲ Reach Shared Services Limited 0 0 3.26 12+


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