Publicerad av zhao liu den 2020-04-24
1. We have invited experienced parenting experts to design this application, not only to cultivate our own children but also to share this series of products for free with all parents who are worried about parenting.
2. Different parents have different abilities and approaches to nurturing, resulting in significant variations in a child's overall intelligence level.
3. The developers of the Mu Hang Children's Education series are parents themselves and are equally concerned about their own children's growth.
4. This application includes object recognition and word recognition for animals, marine animals, and everyday items.
5. The development of cognitive and language abilities is the most important aspect of a baby's growth and development.
6. All of our written content is authored by experienced parenting experts and is absolutely original, not a product pieced together from plagiarized materials on the market.
7. There are no in-app purchases, so you don't have to worry about wasting money.
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Gratis På iTunes ↲ | zhao liu | 0 | 2.2 | 4+ |