Publicerad av Madar Al Parmaga
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↓ Ladda ner Apk för PC | Madar Al Parmaga | 5 | 4.8 | 13.7 | 4+ |
1. (Benefits, prayer times, currency converter, audio guide, audio Mufti, maps and images, health, live broadcast of the Holy Quran and Sunnah channels, educational and awareness videos, etiquette and rules of visiting the Prophet's Mosque, funeral rites and their etiquette).
2. It teaches them the rituals of Hajj and Umrah according to the authentic Sunnah, away from errors and violations, and explains them in a simplified manner using helpful illustrations and maps.
3. An exclusive feature that clarifies the crowdedness and density of pilgrims in the three Hajj rituals (Tawaf, Sa'i, and Stoning the Jamarat), which helps the pilgrim perform the rituals easily.
4. Preparing the religious material for the application by trustworthy religious experts, presenting the different rituals (individual, Quran, and Tamattu) through a special list for each ritual to clarify it in detail.
5. A feature that provides a guide to services and facilities in the Holy Mosque in Mecca, based on the geographical guidance maps issued by the General Presidency for the Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques.
6. An interactive forum for pilgrims and Umrah performers to share their spiritual thoughts about their own Hajj and Umrah journey, with the ability to exchange comments and discussions.
7. To facilitate the reminder of rituals and the specific steps of each obligation, with the possibility of adding worship acts by the user and reminding them on a daily basis.
8. Therefore, the new pilgrim or Umrah performer needs someone to help them remember all the rituals, organize them, and facilitate them.
9. Matoof is an educational and informative application that serves pilgrims and Umrah performers.
10. A new service aimed at assisting pilgrims and guiding them with maps to their accommodations and hotels in the Haram, regardless of their location.
11. Pilgrimage (Hajj) is the fifth pillar of Islam, and it is one of the most important acts of worship through which Muslims seek closeness to Allah.
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